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RF Skin Tightening

Advanced Lifting and Tightening For Loose Saggy Skin


Radio Frequency skin tightening is an aesthetic technique that uses RF energy to heat tissue and stimulate subdermal collagen production in order to reduce the appearance of sagging and loose skin. The technique induces tissue remodelling and production of new collagen and elastin


  • Aims to stimulate collagen and elastin production

  • Drug-free, non-invasive treatment

  • Enhance results with multiple sessions

  • 3-6 sessions are generally recommended for best results 

  • Max number of treatments per week are subject to consultation 

  • Treatment not suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding women, those trying to conceive or during menstruation, or with some existing medical conditions (call for more information) 


Combine RF Skin Tightening with Ultra Sonic Fat Cavitation for ultimate toning and slimming effects, clients often lose up to 5 cms or more from their waist in just one session. This treatment is also fantastic to target cellulite on the back of the legs and to lift your bum and boobs.


What is ultrasonic fat cavitation?

Cavitation therapy features low-level ultrasound waves and aims to revitalise figures when used in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle. A high-tech device is moved over the target area, which is designed to sculpt the body by reducing subcutaneous fat thickness.


Which areas can be targeted?

The treatment works well on areas with localised fat such as the thighs, abdomen and buttocks. However, anywhere on the body can be treated apart from the female breasts.

What about aftercare?

Clients are advised to drink at least 1.5 litres of water before and after the session. They must then carry out cardiovascular exercise immediately afterwards; for example, go for a light run or brisk walk for 20 minutes.


Jump on our online live chat now.  Our friendly customer support team is here to help with any questions you may have, or to make a booking.

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